We're.... starting a podcast!

We’re big podcast fans over here — they are such a beautiful medium to connect to others in a personal, deep way. And so, at a moment when we all might need a little more inspiration and a little more company, we’re bringing you our new podcast! It's called Making Do and it’s creative inspiration for makers growing businesses in lean times.

As you are, we’re seeing first-hand how severely the stores and makers we serve have been affected by the pandemic. But we’re also seeing incredible ingenuity, generosity, and innovation -- we’re seeing makers making do. So this podcast series is an experiment -- we want to share stories of the challenges makers are facing as well as creative approaches they're experimenting with. So far, we've heard some incredible stories and there is much more to come. Lauren told us how she got virtual private classes up and running to replace her lost income. Rachel talked about how her jewelry company grew to a team of 5, then got hit hard by coronavirus, but has weathered the storm with quick and purposeful action. And Shawna shares her story of seeing a huge increase in sales since coronavirus and offers tips on how other makers could learn from that experience.


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  • Leave us a voicemail or send us a text with your story of how you’re making do as a maker -- anonymously or with your name -- at (845) 202-0059. 

  • Review it on Apple Podcasts. It helps others find the show!

​We hope you get as much out of these conversations as we are. These makers' styles, products, and situations will be different from yours. But there are so many powerful insights, approaches, and honesty in their words. 


The Books On My Nightstand During Self-Isolation


A Note to Makers Considering Wholesale During the COVID-19 Pandemic