Coronavirus: what we're seeing from stores + makers

This is such a difficult, weird, and uncertain time for humans in general and makers and store owners in particular!

Of course, everybody has different burdens and experiences in the face of this challenge. Medical providers, teachers, parents, government officials, and everyone else each have a unique role to play in keeping themselves and the people they are responsible for safe. Within that (and certainly not minimizing the experience of any other group), though, our maker and store community has a particular role, burden, and opportunity as well. Store owners have to decide whether to stay open, whether to cancel workshops and events, how exactly to keep everything clean, and how to continue being a positive part of the community. And makers are facing a lot of uncertainty as they assess how to move forward in coming days and months -- especially given upheavals in their business, canceled markets, and inventory curveballs. Plus, you know, being a human and family member.

I do deeply believe: makers and indie store owners are a source of connection, inspiration, community, and meaningful work and that remains just as true in this moment.

So many of you -- shops and makers alike -- are still chugging along and doing your courageous and heart-led work. (Just with extra hand-washing and other smart precautions.) On our side, we're still seeing stores open, conducting business, caring for their communities, placing orders, and responding to emails. We're seeing makers create art, strategize, sell products, and show so much leadership. Of course, the specifics of what is right for each of us to do may shift in coming days, weeks, or months -- things are evolving quickly.

On our little Wholesale In a Box team, we are caring for each other, continuing to work remotely (we're always a remote team!), and checking in about how we can help each other stay sane and healthy. We also have a close eye on all our beloved shops and makers and are thinking creatively about whether there are special ways we can support you. ⁠

Sincerely: if you have ideas or questions or things we can help you with, let us know. We're working to identify how we might be an extra source of support and steadiness for each of you.


What Makers + Stores Are Doing to Adapt During the Pandemic


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